Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Using up the paint stockpile...

I think I'm getting obsessed by gardening.  Is it normal to check them all at least twice (often up to five) times a day to check they're not too thirsty, that the weeds are gone or whether there's been any growth?  It's scorching here right now and I'm worried for them.  I'm especially worried as I'm away in Nelson from Sat morning to Monday evening without an irrigation system.

Hmmmmn.  I've even tidied up my laundry to create a dedicated space for all the gardening things.  I love it, I'm a terrible tidier, so it's a minor victory.

Anyway, the parsnips went in the bath planter today, hurrah!  10 parsnip seeds went in, protected by another one of my excellent cobbled-together-from-free-stuff greenhouses (this one is thick plastic from my deliveries, duct taped to the back of the bath, propped up with sticks in the dirt to give it height and secured to the front by stones big enough to weight the plastic down).

It's an idea of how it looks, anyway :-)  The parsnips fill up half the bath planter.  I'm tossing up what to sow in the other half.   Broccoli?  I still have time to think about it.

There are many baby plants at the Monkey house:  radishes, more coriander, capsicums, silverbeet, more tomatoes, some beetroot, more beans, probably some others I can't quite remember :-)

The winter greens are perky.  Have I spoken too soon?

I've also recently been getting into  Centsational Girl, which I stumbled across while I was looking for some home DiY tiling hints (random tile splashback for the kitchen).  Anyway, Centsational Girl is kinda obsessed with spray painting old and tired things to transform them into new and vibrant pieces (perhaps I should get spray painted myself).   I was in a crafty kind of mood, so I decided that the time had finally come to rejuvenate the bedroom table I've had since university.  It's gloriously covered in pictures from magazines, with coverseal over the top and stapled underneath to make sure it doesn't come off.  The height of university chic.  [coughs] 

Anyway, despite my attempts to hold on to my fading youth, the time has come.  I pulled off the paper, gave her a quick wash and left her in the sun to dry.  A quick spray with white primer, then a coat of bright red paint on the top (found two whole tins at the dump 2 years ago for $10, have been waiting for the right opportunity to use them).  Finished it off with some French Vanilla ice cream coloured paint on her legs (again, half a tin from the dump for $3 from ages ago that I knew I would use one day)... and there she is.  Brand new table.  I feel so grown up.
Not grown up enough though to stop wearing converse trainers.  You can also see some of my extensive collection here.
Oh, and the bathroom plasterer was here this morning.  He may be back tomorrow.  I might not have been listening well enough.

Off to make dinner.  Chips and sausages.  I am easy to please.

1 comment:

  1. The table looks fab - love the contrast between the red and cream. Looks really fresh :)

    (I'm also rather jealous of the converse collection! ;) )
